Equipment & Facilities

MagneSensors has an extensive amount of equipment for a company of our size.  There are two major computer controlled magnetic assay instruments (see instrumentation section) that perform all the magnetic assay measurements.  The sample throughput is excellent and we readily measure hundreds of samples in a hour, even in a research mode. 

There is a laboratory for assay preparation along including equipment for performing optical comparison assay measurements.  There is a dedicated cell culture equipment for the magnetic assays on cells.  

We have specialized equipment for the synthesis and characterization of magnetic nanoparticle as well as with their bioconjugation.

We have all the deposition and processing equipment for the fabrication of high-temperature SQUIDs.  There are two sputter deposition systems and an automated ion beam etching system for patterning the films.  We have have specialized equipment and measurement test probes to enable a detailed characterization of the performance of our SQUID sensor chips.

   © MagneSensors, Inc. 2015