Grant Awards

To date, MagneSensors has received both Federal and private funding.  We have received a total of 30 contracts, grants, and subcontracts over the past 12 years.  

We have been the prime contractor on 14 contracts and grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH),  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), NASA, Department of Defense (Navy), and the National Science Foundation (NSF), including four Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) awards.  

We have received subcontracts from IBM for our magnetic sensors that were funded by the Navy.  We have received subcontracts from Quantum Magnetics (now part of GE Security) that were funded by FAA, DARPA, NASA, and the Navy.  We also received two sizable research and development contracts from Shimadzu Corporation.

Grant awards related to magnetic assays with MagneSensors as the primary awardee: 

SBIR Phase I    NIH: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke    2012-2014               “Ultra-sensitive magnetic assays for rapid detection of stroke biomarkers”

SBIR Phase II    NIH: National Cancer Institute    2008-2011                                                   “Nanotechnology platform for cell-based magnetic assays”

SBIR Phase I    NIH:National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases    2010-2011               “Optimized magnetic nanoparticle labels for ultra-sensitive sepsis diagnostics”

SBIR Phase I    NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases     2009-2011                  “Ultra-sensitive magnetic assays for quantitative detection of nucleic acids without amplification“

NIH Research Project Cooperative Agreement: Sepsis and CAP  NIH:National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease     2005-2009     “Ultra-sensitive magnetic assays for sepsis diagnostics”

SBIR Phase I    NIH: National Cancer Institute    2008–2009                                                                 “Ultra high sensitivity mix and measure immunoassays in blood”

 SBIR Phase I    NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases    2007-2008  “Quantitative intracellular magnetic assays on live cells”

 SBIR Phase I    NIH: National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering    2006   “Nanotechnology platform for cell-based magnetic assays”

 Research Contract for Bio-Magnetic Interfacing Concepts    DARPA    2004-2005                                “Next Generation Cell-Based Magnetic Assays”

 SBIR Phase I    NIH: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute    2004-2005                                     “Ultra-sensitive assays using SQUID magnetic sensors”

 Research Contract for Bio-Magnetic Interfacing Concepts     DARPA    2003-2004                                 “Next Generation Cell-Based Magnetic Assays“

 SBIR Phase II    National Science Foundation    2000-2003                                                           “Development of High-Tc SQUID Magnetometers for Unshielded Operation”


   © MagneSensors, Inc. 2015